Despite all this research, however, the
results that were published are still considered preliminary and
more needs to be done to clarify the role of oxytocin and the genes
that influence it. However, researchers are still confident that this
may lead to treatments for a variety of social disorders. The
question is, is introversion a social disorder? Methylation is a
dynamic process that can change to varying degrees over the course of
a person's lifetime. For example, I took the Myer's-Briggs
personality test when I was in college, and I was categorized as an
extrovert. I took it again a year ago, and now I'm a borderline
introvert. You wouldn't know it—I have to give lectures, talk with
a variety of people every day, and sometimes I even need to assert
myself for many hours in sales situations, but I will admit, I am
feeling more exhausted by social environments these days than I used
to be. I attribute it to age, but maybe there's more to it? Maybe I
am becoming more of an introvert...I do prefer to stay at home in my
basement and remain off-grid for days at a time. Is that so wrong?
Some don't think so...
As seven alien races struggle to co-exist in an uneasy alliance, the Inter-Stellar Union sends Union Guard agents on missions to preserve the crucial balance. These specialized operatives must do what regional security cannot, dealing with smugglers, pirates, terrorists, and even greater challenges in order to bring stability to a universe that needs it desperately. Without the Union Guard, the races will not be prepared to face a looming alien threat they can only hope to defeat together.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Science and Personality (part 3)
During a study of social behavior,
participants were evaluated through a number of tests that measured
their social skills, their brain structure, and its function. They
were presented with videos of people's faces, beginning with a
neutral expression that gradually changed into an emotional
expression--the participants just needed to press a button when they
were confident of how that person was feeling. Participants with
greater methylation of the OXT gene (and thus, had lower oxytocin
levels) were less accurate in their descriptions of the emotional
states of the people in the videos and pictures. This same
characteristic is associated with autism. Participants also had their
brains scanned with an MRI during some of the testing, and the
results showed reduced activity in areas of the brain associated with
sociability. It was also discovered that the participants had reduced
amounts of grey matter in areas important for face processing and
social cognition.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Science and Personality (part 2)
If you're on the fence as to which
category you fall into, ask yourself a few questions. Do you feel
recharged by being around people, or drained? If the latter, you are
probably an introvert. Do you more carefully consider your words, and
speak up only if there is something meaningful to say? Introvert. Do
you prefer to stay at home, work alone, and avoid parties? Again, you
are most likely an introvert. That's not to say that extroverts don't
have some of the same characteristics, but it is less likely. So why
are introverts this way? According to recent research in a study of
129 people, those found with less of a particular gene had more
difficulty recognizing emotional facial expressions. As a result,
they tended to have more anxiety about relationships, which greatly
impacted their social behavior. Scientists found when the gene OXT
was restricted by a process called “methylation,” participants in
the study produced less oxytocin, a hormone that plays a part in
human bonding...
Monday, June 27, 2016
Science and Personality (part 1)
How many of you would consider yourself
an introvert? Wow, ok, a lot of you. Now let's add to that those of
you who were too shy to even admit you're an introvert. Despite what
we may think (or might have been told based on a 1960 estimate that
has circulated the internet for decades), introverts are not in the
minority in our society. Based on a random sample conducted by the
Myers-Briggs organization in 1998, 50.7% of the population in the
U.S. are Introverts! Yet why is everything, from class participation
to college and job interviews seemingly based on having the
characteristics of an extrovert? Those that talk a lot are often
those that are picked for leadership positions over people who talk
more sparingly. We teach our kids to be more assertive, to speak up,
but as a result, introverts often struggle to defy their natural
state of mind in order to be accepted in a society that judges them
rather harshly for being quieter than others. And now, there is
research that this condition can be “cured...”
Friday, June 24, 2016
Preview of New Products (part 5)
Probably one of the more ambitious
projects I've been working on is developing 3D miniatures for the
Solar Echoes game. For those of you that have played the game and
have been frustrated that the stand-up paper icons sometimes blow
over or get easily toppled by stray dice, this may be an even better
alternative. And of course, for hobbyists, there's the opportunity to
have and paint an awesome 3D sculpture of your favorite Solar Echoes
character! I've been working with artist Jeremy Gosser on bringing
two Solar Echoes characters to life, and he is nearing completion of
digital, 3D sculpts. The next step will be to find a high-quality 3D
resin printer that can print them with all the detail he has put into
them, but in the meantime, I plan to use my own 3D Flashforge printer
(a very generous gift from a friend and investor) to produce some
prototypes for use at conventions. Someday, I hope to make a line of
figures available, but though I'm moving past the early stages into
reality now, I may need to look to crowdfunding to make this all
possible. Again, if you're interested, let me know—your interest
can help launch this project into something bigger and better!
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Preview of New Products (part 4)
Does anyone remember the Explorer's Pack ? It was released two years ago and included four new
planets and four new alien lifeforms. Alien lifeforms in Solar Echoes
are organisms found throughout the universe that can pose a threat to
players, but these lifeforms are not intelligent enough to use
technology or tools—they are essentially “monsters” in a
science-fiction universe. Though Solar Echoes missions often involve
the character races and robots as foes, some missions require
venturing out into the wilderness, and this is where deadly alien
lifeforms are found. I have recently finished working with artist
John Fell on four new, full-color alien lifeforms, which I'm planning
to feature in a future product. I enjoyed working with John on these
creatures so much, though, that I'm looking into crowdfunding so that
he and I could design a lot more of them! If you're interested, let
me know—your interest can help launch this project into something
bigger and better!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Preview of New Products (part 3)
I've had full-color art from John Fell
for each alien character since last summer. You can already see this
art in the Solar Echoes profile on Facebook, Twitter, and blog, with
the characters clustered around the Solar Echoes title. I have an
ambitious plan for each alien, and was waiting to use that art for
this plan, but time and other projects have prevented me from
completing it, though I still hope to. In the meantime, though, I
used the art to print out small, full-color map icons for use at
conventions, and have been contacted by Solar Echoes fans for these
icons. This summer, I plan to release a new product that includes the
full-color character icons so you can use them for your games. I am
also in the process of doing a full webpage redesign at, using this new, full color character art.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Previews of New Products (part 2)
As you saw last week, the French gaming
club, Les Petits Joueurs, spent a lot of time preparing full color
maps for Solar Echoes. Originally, when I released the game in 2012,
I was on a strict budget. Color art was reserved for book covers
alone, because artists charge a lot more for color work. However,
since then, sales have allowed for me to reconsider, and I was
inspired by what the French gamers were able to do with online clip
art. Due to legal concerns, however, I don't want to put free
public-use art into products sold through Corefun Studios, so I asked
artist John Fell to design full color map tile art for me. I now have
a lot of map resources available, and I plan to fully redesign in
color the maps in missions that are currently released. If you've
purchased these missions already, you'll receive an email notifying
you of the update when it's ready, and you'll just need to download
it again, for free!
Monday, June 20, 2016
Previews of New Products (part 1)
Usually new Solar Echoes products
arrive in the summer, when I have a little more time to put into
them. At the moment, I'm overwhelmed because I have a lot of
potential products I've been investing time in, though nothing is
quite finished. I'd like to share the details with you this week, and
it would be great to have your feedback. I've worked with a few
artists and I'm excited to talk about their work in these projects.
I'm also looking into crowdfunding because I'm hoping some of these
projects could become much bigger and better with the extra support.
Hopefully, some of these projects will appeal to you, and it is my
hope that they will not only enhance your game, but excite your
imagination! Stay tuned for exclusive details this week...
Friday, June 17, 2016
French Solar Echoes Team Stops Smugglers (part 5)
When the leader of the gang tried to
escape through the damaged garage door, he was defeated by the
coordinated actions of Oosnubu, who ambushed him by shooting through
the office window. The gang leader was finally put out of combat when
Khassim knocked him unconscious by ramming him with the rear of the
forklift. Once the gang was defeated, their operations sergent
contacted them to inform them that the rest of the smugglers gang was
spotted driving to Vega Starport, trying to leave the planet after
the failure of the firearms purchase. Once at the starport, the team
located, fought, and managed to surround the smugglers inside the
ship docking umbilical. Oosnubu, sided by Khassim, sealed the ship
door, while Zholtaân made use of two of his cyber-weapons, a
Trip-bot (able to trip enemies) and a Nanite Hedge (a moving wall of
nano-robots) to prevent the escape of the smugglers. Despite threats
of incoming shots from a second approaching enemy ship, the players
managed to convince the smugglers to surrender, and the mission ended
with the smugglers throwing their weapons over the top of the nanite
hedge while a Union Guard ship was arriving at the Dock.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
French Solar Echoes Team Stops Smugglers (part 4)
The planned assault started when Khassim managed to pry open one of the sky windows to check the positions of the enemies inside the building. Oosnubu piloted the forklift to park in front of the garage door, while Khassim tried to slide down a rope to land atop one of the containers inside the warehouse. Unfortunately, a failure on his stealth check canceled the surprise round, but the entrance of Zholtaân and Oosnubu (which remained undetected) through the two other doors was enough to give an advantage to the team.The team began to shoot at the criminals, who were trying to reach the vehicles and the doors and discovered that they could no longer open them. Desperate, the gang leader tried to shoot at the garage door with the automatic cannon mounted on his gang skimcar, but when he rammed the door, he crippled his vehicle when he hit the forklift parked outside. At the same moment, Zholtaân and Oosnubu were engaged in ranged combat with the rest of the gang, while Khassim, still atop the same container, used his Side Step Talent right in time to avoid the other gang skimcar shooting at him, opting to fall prone behind the container, using the next round to gain a stealth bonus by adjusting his natural camouflage. Zholtaân made extensive use of his cyber-weapons, disarming one of the gang members with his magnetic Disarming Orb. He managed to equip the illegal rifle, thanks to his Snare Ray Bracelet.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
French Solar Echoes Team Stops Smugglers (part 3)
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
French Solar Echoes Team Stops Smugglers (part 2)
Khassim was the first to enter the
warehouse perimeter by climbing up the fence, and he avoided
detection from a guard robot, using his Stealth to climb up the
ladder to the roof. The rest of the team drove around the building to
position their patrol vehicle in front of the gate before the robot
could detect them. Prof. Zholtaân decided to also climb the fence
and deploy one of his cyber-weapons, a Disarming Orb, for recon
around the side of the building. Oosnubu worked on the locked gate,
finally opening it to aim his vehicle weapons at the security bot.
Zholtaân, possessing the Robot Identification Talent, asked Khassim
to give him a visual on the target, who used the camera of his Micro
Personal Computer. Looking at this picture, Zholtaân was able to
determine the model of the robot, as well as the weakness of it’s
design: hyperactive sensors that malfunction when a bright light is
aimed at them, imposing shooting penalties upon the robot.
Monday, June 13, 2016
French Solar Echoes Team Stops Smugglers (part 1)
The French gaming club, Les Petits
Joueurs, has put a lot of time into preparing to play Solar Echoes.
They've translated the Solar Echoes game books and missions into
French, they've carefully designed their characters, they've designed
their own full-color versions of mission-maps, and they've
constructed 3D models of crates, skimcars--even a forklift! This
week, check out their battle reports and some of the pictures they've
provided of their game while playing the “Gun Runners” mission in
the Solar Echoes Starter Kit (I've removed spoilers). Their mission
was to stop a gun sale of restricted military firearms and to extract
a particular target, alive. The player’s team, featuring Khassim (a
Krissethi infiltrator/Pilot), Oosnubu (Archaeloid Engineer/Tactical
Officer) and Prof. Zholtaân Junior (Reln Hacker/Battlefield Controller),
managed to circumvent the defenses around the warehouse by
strategically surrounding the building, blocking the exits, and in
the end, starting the assault...
Friday, June 10, 2016
If you can't beat them... (part 5)
Elon Musk has said that humans are
already cyborgs. The world's first government-recognized human cyborg
is a man named Neil Harbisson, who has an implanted antenna that
enables him to “hear” colors. Musk has pointed out that we are
interfacing through email, texts, video-chat, and other instant forms
of communication using various devices, and this has essentially
already made us cyborgs. It isn't a big step for us to start
integrating that same technology into our bodies. While technologies
are pursued to make robots more human, many of these same
advancements are being considered for humans. Robots are becoming
more biological, but aren't we becoming more...robotic? It is likely
that we will be exchanging and sharing parts and systems with robots
someday. Artificial Intelligence has already passed the Turing
test—the AI was considered indistinguishable from an actual human.
In the future, the line between humanity and machine may become so
blurred that we might not be able to discern the difference. Musk's
belief that we will soon adopt neural lacing so we can “output”
as fast as a machine addresses the fear of a robot apocalypse in a
very simple way: If you can't beat them, join them.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
If you can't beat them... (part 4)
Infrared vision has already been
experimented with and researched for humans. Microchips originally
implanted in test animals to study mental deterioration and to
prevent diseases like Alzheimer's have been found to enhance actual
intelligence as well. A day looms in the not-so-distant future when
technology originally designed to help people will become a thing of
fashion, convenience, or even competition—those who can pay may
decide to enhance themselves for a variety of reasons. Superhuman
soldiers, bionic athletes, and fast-thinking operators of various
machines may become commonplace in our future. Perhaps it may one day
be a job requirement to be implanted with a brain-enhancing chip that
allows the employee to better interface with coworkers, computers,
and robots. Military service may involve mandatory physical
enhancement, strength boosting, and heightened reflexes (and of
course, those infrared eyes I mentioned earlier). People that are
integrated with “cyberware” (cyborgs—man and machine) will be
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
If you can't beat them... (part 3)
Consider that we are already replacing
body parts with machines. Retinal microchips, though not on the
market yet, are proving that vision can be restored. Bionic
prostheses for legs, arms, and hands are becoming increasingly
sophisticated, operated by neural control. Even neuroprosthetics,
which can provide a motor, sensory, or cognitive ability that might
be lacking or damaged are already in full use—tens of thousands of
people already have cochlear implants for hearing loss. These
implants are surgically installed with a direct neural connection
that is run by tiny computers. Soon, advanced genetic and neural
therapies will be available to enhance our senses and our strength.
Biological engineering and neurobiology are already making huge
advances that have replicated the functions of many of our biological
systems electronically and mechanically. Elon Musk was not far off
with his prediction that neural lacing might be the next step for
human enhancement.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
If you can't beat them... (part 2)
The term neural lace was first coined
by novelist Iain M. Banks, and it was intended to describe a mesh
that conforms to the brain in order to allow the programming of
neurons. Even though this concept was originally science fiction,
there is a basis in actual science. In 2015, a paper published in
Nature Nanotechnology detailed how a flexible circuit was injected
into the brains of living mice—the circuit is actually capable of
interacting with neurons. Technology also exists to allow users of
robotic prosthetics to activate and manipulate their artificial limbs
with their minds. We are not far from extending these technologies to
the common public someday, where making a cell phone call might be as
simple as a thought and turning the volume up or down little more
than momentary intent. Yet how tapped in do we really want our brains
to be with technology? What doors will this open, and once open, can
they ever be closed again?
Monday, June 6, 2016
If you can't beat them... (part 1)
Elon Musk has long been an opponent of
the direction Artificial Intelligence is taking, and has made
frequent warnings that measures should be made to stop the
singularity—an event where robot intelligence will exceed all
collective human intelligence. Yet recently, Musk has taken a new
direction with his comments, describing the problem humans face when
competing with computers. While human mental processing is extremely
fast, output is incredibly slow when compared with machines. We
cannot physically output information as fast as machines because of
physical limitations—we cannot speak, write, or type at a rate even
close to the speed at which we think. If this could be solved, Musk
insists, we wouldn't have to compete with AI, we would be on the same
level and therefore not face an AI/robot apocalypse. How would this
be possible? Elon Musk asserts that “neural lacing” the human
mind is the answer...
Friday, June 3, 2016
Balticon 50 (part 5)
There are so many other highlights of
this weekend, it's hard to choose from among the 6 or 7 games that I
ran, but I remember one classic moment quite well. One of the players
had to leave the table briefly, telling the other players to use his
character to make a cybertech check to hack into the malfunctioning
mall robot they had just nearly destroyed. The mall robots were all
rampaging because of an unknown problem in their programming (which
the team had learned was by design), and the team was supposed to try
to shut them down. To do so, they had to severely damage a robot, but
not destroy it, enough so that they could get in close and hack into
its CPU. This was no easy task, and they failed a few times because
some of the players over-did things with the damage, destroying the
robot beyond repair. They had finally damaged a robot just enough for
them to hack it, but unknown to them, the robot had sent out a
distress signal to other robots in the mall. You should have seen the
surprised face of the player who had left the table—when he
returned, he saw what you see pictured below: a variety of twisted,
malfunctioning robots converging on the players as they huddled over
the damaged robot. It was up to him—could he make the necessary
cybertech check to hack the robot's system and disable the distress
signal? ...and...yes, he made it, the robots disengaged and the team
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Balticon 50 (part 4)
I've seen some really interesting
tactics in this game, and this weekend was no exception. One
particular team was playing the “Gun Runners” mission found in
the Starter Kit, and they breached a warehouse where gun smugglers
were finishing their deal. While one of the team, an Omul, got
everyone's attention by entering through the side door of the
warehouse and immediately took cover, the Erwani on the team outside
hacked open the electronic garage door so one of the team's Krissethi
could rush in. At the same time, the team's other Krissethi moved
through the air-ducts above it all, athletically dropping onto a
nearby crate while the team's Reln did the same on the other side of
the warehouse, dropping onto a crate just above a smuggler that was
busy attacking their Omul--the Reln used her height advantage from
atop the crate to finish him off. The smugglers were spread out and
were attacked from all directions, so one of them decided to jump in
a car and speed away. Another one exchanged gunfire with the first
Krissethi, shooting through the windows of the parked car between
them. The Krissethi dove for cover and crawled under the car,
slashing with his katana at the smuggler's ankles. The crippled
smuggler fell to the ground and tried to shoot the Krissethi under
the car, narrowly missing him just as the Krissethi finished him off
with a quick stab from his katana. The entire warehouse was cleared
in only a few rounds!
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Balticon 50 (part 3)
During the “Heist Stratagem”
mission I ran at Balticon this past weekend, the players managed to
circumvent having to deal with the bank robbers quite well. Though
they failed one of their mission parameters by doing so (which was to
make sure the robbers didn't harm the civilians—they left the
civilians with the robbers!), they did manage to get what they came
for during the heist distraction, and rescued the undercover
operative that had staged the heist and was posing as a bank robber.
However, when they took two cars and tried to escape the scene, an
armored mafia vehicle (the mafia owned the bank) was soon in pursuit,
and soon, the police were in pursuit as well. The team decided to
split up, and the mafia vehicle and two police followed one to the
right while a single police car stayed with the other to the left.
The team on the left managed to shake the police car by dropping
magnetic caltrops, escaping with the undercover operative, but the
other half of the team made a tactical error—the driver decided to
slam on his breaks to cause the following police cars to crash into
him. While he and his team were dazed and trying to recover from the
painful crash, the armored mafia car pulled in front of them and
finished them all off with a mounted point-defense cannon. I guess we
can say the positive side is that half the team survived and
completed the mission...?
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