Friday, November 17, 2017

Skyrim VR so far...

I've been playing a little Skyrim VR today after I picked up my copy from Gamestop, and it is really engaging and fun! It's amazing to look around you and see this huge open world, go anywhere you want, and interact with NPC's and enemies in person! I actually found myself reading my dialogue choices out loud when talking with the NPC's, because they felt like they were right there with me. I sat at a table and had a discussion with someone, and the talking felt totally natural, like I was right there. A little kid was telling me she was going to forge her own sword someday on daddy's forge, and I found myself saying, "Yeah, I bet you will!" The enemies are really cool up close, and some of them a bit unnerving, like the giant spiders. Seeing a dragon fly overhead is something indescribable--you have to experience it to truly understand the awe. Fighting with different weapons is a lot of fun, and I even found myself advancing on archers that were shooting at me, holding my shield up when they'd shoot, then rushing at them as far as I could while they loaded up another arrow. After I bashed them with my mace, I was able to pull the arrows out of my shield and put them into my own inventory! Using magic is really, realy empowering--I love hosing my enemies with fire or electricity!

So far, my only complaints are: 1) the direct movement speed can't be adjusted, so it's always rather fast for VR--though after 1+ hours I still don't have nausea. Stealth slows things down a lot, though. 2) the graphics are dated and of course, this is VR on the PS4 so they're not as high detail as you might hope to see on a PC version. 3) I knew this would be the case, but I can't see my character in any way--no mirrors, no 3rd person view...honestly, I don't know what the point of character design was because I'll probably never see my character again? Other than those complaints, though, this game is incredibly immersive, and I can't wait to get back to it, right now. Bye! :)

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