Thursday, November 16, 2017

Open Letters to VR Developers (part 4)

VR options need to be made available to players, because not all of us get nauseous when moving. It really ruins the game for me (ie, destroys my suspension of disbelief) if I have to teleport around everywhere, and one big concern I had with the upcoming Skyrim VR is the tunnel-vision system they appeared to be using during free movement. I am thankful that the developers provided the option for both free movement and teleport so players can decide for themselves, and I recently learned that there is also the option to turn off the tunnel-vision system during free movement. Developers have read studies that nausea during VR free movement can be reduced by eliminating peripheral vision, so a shutter-like circle closes in on your vision during movement, reducing the visual area to a circle that expands and contracts as you move, blackening the peripheral areas of the screen like you're looking through the sight of a sniper rifle. I've played other VR games that have this, and not only is it irritating and constantly breaks immersion, it has the opposite of its intended effect—it makes me nauseous! I've acquired my “VR legs” by playing free movement games such as Arizona Sunshine, and they don't use the tunnel-vision system, but Bethesda Game Studios is doing the right thing by making all of these options so you can fine-tune what works to reduce nausea. I guess I'll find out what works best for me tomorrow...

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