Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Help Expand Solar Echoes! (part 2)

Solar Echoes is a community-driven game, so I want to hear from the gaming community. Through Patreon, people can let me know what they want me to work on that month, and I'll share my progress with them as I work. For example, suppose that the majority of patrons vote for me to work on a new, low-level mission during the month of September. I'll share with them details of the plot development, the characters involved, and post pictures of how things are coming together. During that process, they can comment and share their opinions. Some patrons at higher contribution levels can even email me directly and talk it over with me. I'll try to shape the mission in a way that reflects the preferences that have been shared. Some patrons will even get their names listed as contributors in the credits of the mission!

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