Tuesday, January 30, 2018

What Have you done in an RPG? (part 2)

The rules are the same as yesterday, and you can add yesterday's score to today's for your final level. For everything you HAVE done, add 1 level. At the end of the week, total up your points and we'll see who our most experienced RPG player is! And, if you want to comment and share an experience, feel free to do so—it will be awesome to hear some of the crazy things you've done in an RPG!
11. Discovered something valuable, but kept it for yourself and didn't tell your party
12. Caught and exposed a character in your party for lying or stealing
13. You were the only survivor of your party in a deadly battle
14. Hauled a dead character from your party all the way back to town for raising or resurrection
15. Accidentally set off a trap that seriously injured or killed members in your party
16. You were responsible for failing to be stealthy, alerting dangerous monsters to your party
17. Spent all your money and had to borrow from others in your party
18. Made so much money that you agreed to lend to others in your party, with interest!
19. Made a bargain with a villain behind your party's back
20. Rolled horribly at a crucial moment, and your character died

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