Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Has your technology waived your privacy rights? (part 3)

Do you really want your conversations at home archived by a Google listening device? This is the same company that currently has been experiencing a range of outcries against it from its own employees. Google workers complain about an oppressive environment where only one viewpoint is tolerated and blacklists exist against coworkers who have expressed other values. One lawsuit claims employees get bonuses for bashing conservative employees. Another class action lawsuit waged against Google involves claims that Google has a bias against white conservative men. Other claims accuse Google of using illegal quotas to hire women and minorities, and that to Google, diversity is “women or individuals who were not Caucasian or Asian.” It's also established that Google runs an internal employee email list that encourages employees to report on each other for anything that made them uncomfortable. Google claims it is using this to deal with anyone who exhibited “unwelcome behavior” and insists they are trying to promote a “culture of respect and inclusion,” yet many employees are complaining about a crackdown on anyone with viewpoints considered “unwelcome.” The list goes on, but the question remains: do we really want a company that plays “Big Brother” with its own employees listening in on our home?

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