Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Has your technology waived your privacy rights? (part 2)

Is Alexa or Google Home a violation of our right to privacy? According to Joel Reidenberg, the director of the Center on Law and Information Policy at Fordham Law School in NY, "So reasonable privacy doesn't exist. Under the Fourth Amendment, if you have installed a device that's listening and is transmitting to a third party, then you've waived your privacy rights under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act." Basically, if you have chosen to put a listening device in your own home, anything you say there can and will be used against you. So far, maybe you only have to worry if you commit an obvious crime such as the Arkansas homicide mentioned yesterday, but free speech hasn't exactly been so free lately, has it? With political correctness, hate speech, and other “thought crimes” being widely monitored these days, a few careless words can easily be misconstrued and a person quickly condemned, with jobs lost over inappropriate posts on social media or even from mere accusations lacking any proof beyond hearsay.

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