Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Solar Echoes in 2018: Painted 3D Miniatures

Probably the first thing you'll see soon is some amazing painting from Wicked Gaming Studios: they've told me the Chiraktis miniature is about ready, and they're going to send pictures this weekend, hopefully. The miniature was printed for them by Shapeways in a high-definition, Black Acrylate plastic, and they are going through the process of preparing it by cleaning it, priming it, and applying various coats of paint. Even though I've given them artwork to reference, I'm really excited to see what kind of artistic spin they will use to bring the Chiraktis figure to life! If everything turns out ok, they'll then proceed to working on the Krissethi figure I sent them. I'll need to get a digital sculptor to refine a few of the remaining 3D models for the Black Acrylate plastic, though, because Shapeways has indicated some areas of detail (that printed fine in other materials) are a little too thin for the Black Acrylate. They are very minor details, but it looks like I might need to have them altered a little so they will print in this new, high-quality plastic. Black Acrylate is favored by professional painters, so if you want Solar Echoes miniatures, you won't need to use it unless you are a real pro. I can't wait to see how Wicked Gaming Studios maximizes the potential of the Solar Echoes 3D printed miniatures! Tomorrow...what other things are in store for Solar Echoes in 2018?

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