Monday, October 7, 2019

The importance of canon (part 1)

How do you feel when an established story is given a sequel but the thematic material is entirely reimagined, producing a story that does not follow your expectations? You have probably seen reports about how fans have become angry when one of their favorite shows or movies is given a sequel that drastically and uncharacteristically changes the details and direction of the original story line. Many Star Wars fans, for example, have been very upset with "The Last Jedi," because director Rian Johnson did little to work within the established lore of the universe. As an example, Rian rewrote the iconic, heroic character of Luke Skywalker as what some would describe as a brooding, ineffectual loser. The recent Joker movie is another example of writing that many have said totally ignores the established background of a character that has been known by fans for decades. Though creative license can sometimes improve upon a cultural legacy like Star Wars, it can also have a result reflecting the "too many cooks in the kitchen" idiom as the overall quality begins to suffer.

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