Thursday, October 10, 2019

The importance of canon (part 4)

Personally, I understand the difficulties associated with maintaining IP and keeping all related material within the established canon. Others have written additional material--such as missions--for the Solar Echoes game that, in some cases, I felt violated the original lore. Thankfully, because I own the Solar Echoes IP through Corefun Studios, I've been able to oversee and advise changes to keep with the original material. Some may consider this controlling or overreach, but to preserve a vision, sometimes changes must be made when things begin to step outside of or move in a direction that seems counter to the original themes. Though I've not encountered this particular situation, imagine if someone wanted to write for Solar Echoes and presented something with a particular social agenda behind it. I've designed Solar Echoes to be neutral or silent in those areas so people of all ages and views might be able to enjoy it. Allowing a specific social agenda to manifest in Solar Echoes would tacitly suggest that I support that agenda, and it would alienate a group of people that might disagree, preventing them from being able to enjoy the Solar Echoes universe. One reason we play games and read stories is as an escape from the conflicts in the real world, and unless something is clearly advertised as having a particular social agenda, I think it is dishonest and subversive to try to covertly insert that agenda in the writing. Protecting IP requires a partnership in vision and enough oversight to preserve it.

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