Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What is it about JRPG’s? (part 3)

JRPG's have been influenced somewhat by Western RPG's, with one example being the optional quests presented alongside the main storyline. This itself blurs the line between the two genres because the strength of the JRPG is the main story. If too much time can be spent away from the main storyline, an RPG tends to more easily become judged by the sum of its parts. Is the combat system fun? Is there enough item variety? How interesting and involved is the crafting system? Are the abilities learned upon leveling worthwhile and fun to use? All of these factors are standards in the RPG genre, but a JRPG feels less and less like a JRPG if these elements become more of a focus than the story. In a JRPG, the story and cast of characters is the focal point throughout the game, balanced with a type of combat model that can ultimately make or break the game...

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