Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Spacetime and Time Dilation in Science Fiction (part 3)

Yes, the explanation for the time dilation on the planet was poor in Interstellar (thankfully, the comedy “Other Space” didn't even bother to offer an explanation for their time-dilated planet, which ironically made it seem more plausible.) Despite that, time dilation is real and has been confirmed by many scientific experiments: the relativistic decay of muons from cosmic ray showers and the slowing of atomic clocks aboard a Space Shuttle have shown us that the duration of time can vary according to the point of reference. It all makes for great science fiction material, where someone might travel faster than the speed of light, spend a lifetime on a time-dilated planet, travel back to Earth, and be the same age (or younger?) than when he or she left, maybe even arriving close to the original departure date.

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