Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Spacetime and Time Dilation in Science Fiction (part 2)

I once thought I understood the fourth dimension and stated that it was “duration,” the existence of an object in three dimensions was only possible if it existed within time, the fourth dimension. It is more complex than that of course, but our understanding of time is based on what we have experienced here, on earth. We live on a planet with a steady state of gravity moving at a steady pace around the sun. In the movie, Interstellar (minor spoiler ahead), there is a planet orbiting a black hole and anyone on it experiences severe time dilation. Red flags go up yet? Yeah, sorry Hollywood, we just lost our suspension of disbelief. But let's get past the fact that a planet would have to be so close to a black hole to experience the amount of time dilation stated in the movie that it would get sucked into the black hole, and the fact that a rotating planet would experience tidal forces of gravity that would rip the planet to pieces. Let's put all that on hold and examine the concept itself...

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