Monday, January 6, 2020

Star Wars Fatigue? (part 1)

Recently, I've been having a few discussions with 3 of my friends about Star Wars. To give some context, the first Star Wars movie I saw (actually the very first movie I EVER saw) was the original Star Wars IV, a New Hope. Yeah, I'm that old. But since then, we've seen 3 entire trilogies, a few extra movies, video games, and now even a TV series on the Disney Plus streaming service. Lately, my friends and I have been discussing our feelings about Star Wars in general, and some of us are at different places. I think I'm probably the most negative of the group, but don't take that to mean that I've lost my interest in George Lucas's space opera. All of us have different levels of fandom, and I guess for me, Disney's acquisition of the Star Wars IP has been a mixed bag. Sometimes I feel the original magic of Star Wars has been waning in recent years, and my friends and I are debating whether that's due to unmet nostalgic expectations or a general “Star Wars fatigue.”

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