Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A Week in the Wasteland (part 2)

In the Fallout board game scenario I was playing, one faction was the Institute, which developed synths--indistinguishable from humans. The other faction was the Railroad. One faction believes escaped synths that have blended into society are an abomination and should be destroyed, the other thinks they're people, too, and should have the same rights. I chose the wastelander character and as I began my journey exploring, a super mutant located at the other end of the map activated and began hunting me, moving one tile every turn it was randomly activated by a card I pulled. I entered unexplored territory, and as I revealed that tile to see the different areas (including some hot spots that would incur radiation damage), an oversized rad scorpion attacked me as I moved into the area. I didn't have a gun yet, so had to use my tire iron to fight—and I was lucky to even have that! The scorpion needed to be hit in its arms or legs to be killed, and I rolled my VAT dice well, scoring hits on its limbs. It managed to inflict a single wound on me, but it could have gone much worse. Later, I made it to town and decided to use an action for an encounter card, which had a little story about a woman angrily yelling at a dog while she kicked it. Since one of my character's beginning attributes was Charisma, I decided to try talking her down. I could have also chosen to walk away and go shopping (you can only go shopping if a card has that option). I rolled well again, and my success gained me the "inspiring" trait. The lady left quietly, and the dog decided to follow me as a companion.

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