Monday, August 24, 2015

The Future Human (part 2)

Movies like “The Island” and books like “House of the Scorpion” address the issue of organ replacement through fully-grown clones which eventually discover their intended purpose and fight to escape having their organs harvested for someone else. Though it is a stretch to imagine that a civilized society would degenerate to this point, it does bring up the question of how we will consider fully-grown clones as a society. Are they individuals, or are they property? A clone is no different than a twin, yet it is likely that the individuals (or corporations) that paid for the clone to be made will insist on some legal guardianship or control over the clone. Clones might be incomplete copies of their source, missing certain aspects such as intelligence, long life, etc. This would quickly result in a class of “lesser humans” that may end up treated as property and denied basic human rights. Will we someday find ourselves in a society that has essentially established a system of slavery under the guise of clone-ownership?

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