Friday, January 31, 2014

The Flow of the Game (part 5)

Another aspect of Solar Echoes that really keeps everyone involved as a team is the low number of hit-points each character possesses. Hit points can never be above 5, and after the first point of damage, each hit point of damage suffered accumulates wound penalties. You'll not only want to avoid damage, but you'll want to protect your team-members. An injured team-member will be less effective, due to his injury penalties, and it is much more likely that he'll end up in a position where you'll have to protect him! Damage can be avoided, however, in a number of ways. Armor absorbs and reduces damage, and your character can avoid being hit altogether by using cover (which adds points to your dodge.) Certain talents you may have chosen for your character also add points to your dodge in certain circumstances. The risk of character injury and death has made Solar Echoes a very player-involved experience, where everyone ends up working together to survive and achieve their mission. Through our many beta-tests, players with the best strategies and coordination were the people who emerged with the least injuries. Yet those who barged into the open, guns blazing, also still managed to survive and achieve their mission—though a few of them barely made it!

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