Monday, January 27, 2014

The Flow of the Game (part 1)

In lieu of the upcoming Solar Echoes demo on February 8th (see side panel for information and link), this week the focus will be upon the elements that define gameplay. Three words that we think best describe Solar Echoes are: FAST, TEAM, and FUN. If you've played other table-top RPG's, you've likely spent a lot of the game time sitting at a table waiting for your turn. We wanted to do away with that, and designed Solar Echoes to be a no-initiative, cooperative endeavor where everyone moves at once, coordinating together as a team. Another element that keeps the game fast-moving and involved is the option to react during the movement or action phases of the game. During a beta test, I actually missed an opportunity because I went to the next room to grab a drink—you literally won't want to walk away from the table with this game!

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