Thursday, October 18, 2018

VR Game Review, Creed: Rise to Glory (part 4)

I could honestly recommend the game just for the gym itself, even if there wasn't the option to go into the ring with other boxers. The gym is a great place to train, with little games associated with each of the stations. For instance, the punching bag that is suspended in front of you by two cords between the ceiling and floor will fly out into the air away from you when you punch it, but then snap back towards you in the opposite direction with as much force as you delivered. As you punch it, it will randomly turn red when about to snap back, and during that time, you have to dodge it and let it fly past you instead of punching it. This becomes really fun as you get faster and faster. Another game with that punching bag is that there are floating targets you have to hit with the bag, changing the angle of your punch so the bag snaps into the target floating in the air before the target's timer expires and disappears. The hanging punching bags and the humanoid torso dummies also have minigames involving punching circles in accelerating sequences with numbers as they appear and disappear quickly in random locations. Even the treadmill is a good workout, which involves you swinging your arms back and forth (and you might as well jog in place), timing your “laps” and challenging you to improve your time as it slowly speeds up.

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