Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Introducing Kids to TTRPG’s (part 2)

It’s not just kids, though, because some of my adult friends struggle to find time for their RPG hobby as well. Long drives to weekend gatherings remind us of our weekday commutes, so it takes discipline to get ourselves out the door. Some adults have been turning to online RPG sites that allow for a TTRPG experience similar to sitting around a table together—people log in and chat live over webcams while looking at a live, dynamic map that the Game Master (GM) controls. Sites like Roll20.net do this well, and it’s a great way to have long-distance, convenient RPG sessions with friends. However, there’s really nothing that can compare with the experience of sitting around the same table together, sharing pizza, drinks, and laughter while shaking the dice in your hands before rolling with your signature style. Writing on your character sheet, moving your character miniature on the map, and cracking open game books for reference are also part of the fun. There’s nothing like seeing your groups’ GM grin deviously and dramatically place the model for a deadly villain on the map in front of you. And don’t forget the absolute satisfaction of working together with your team to defeat that horrible villain and seeing the disappointed look on the GM’s face as he realizes he underestimated you.

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