Tuesday, October 9, 2018

RPG's and Visual Novels (part 2)

The contrast between RPG's and VN's involves the gameplay itself. As I was thinking about the combat system I'm planning for my VN, I thought to myself, “Well, RPG's and VN's could essentially be interchangeable--since RPG's use VN storytelling methods, why can't VN's use RPG combat methods?” I've played many video game RPG's over the years, and most of them delivered story using the VN method: static background art, static or slightly animated character art, and a text box at the bottom quarter of the screen that displays a sentence or two of spoken dialogue, which you advance through by pushing a button when you've finished reading each portion. Some RPG's I've played involved so much reading that I started feeling like I was reading a book, with a little combat tacked on as an excuse to call it an RPG. So wouldn't a game like that be considered a VN with a combat system? How would this be different than the VN I'm writing, which only has a few instances of combat?

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