Friday, July 6, 2018

Solar Echoes Visual Novel? (part 5/6)

In addition to the art (the visual part), I need to have some interesting writing (the novel part.) I've already written an entire novel for Solar Echoes, and I wrote everything in the video comic, so my plan is to write something big for the visual novel. I love to write and I have a lot of ideas, so I think that part of the project will just involve a lot of my time. A few final details that I haven't worked out yet, though, involve elements of a visual novel that add a lot to the experience. One is voice-acting, and I'm still debating about whether I want to do this or not. It worked out great in the video comic, and really brought that project to a higher level. But, a visual novel would involve a LOT more voice acting than my 15-minute video comic. I'm leaning away from it, one of the reasons being that a lot of visual novels are not voice-acted, and I've seen people play them on YouTube having a great time adding in their own voice acting. Traditionally, voice-acting wasn't used for this genre of game, and it has only surfaced in larger productions by big game studios for the most part. One other big consideration, though, is music, and that is going to be essential in a visual novel. I didn't have any in my video comic, but you'll find background music in almost every visual novel out there. I am a guitarist and a composer, so that helps, but writing several compositions for background music, plus getting performers to play it (or having a decent synthesizer to play it back) is going to cost a lot of time and money.

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