Friday, March 23, 2018

Going Off-Grid (part 5)

I could go on for weeks citing examples of how we are seeing too much overreach and privacy invasion from companies like Google. It's only going to get worse. What can you do to start protecting yourself? A friend of mine (who works in cybersecurity) has begun the process of becoming Google-free, and it's possible to go to Google's site and request that they delete all the information they have archived on you while you remove your presence from the net. Use this link to begin the process:

Another option for this process can be found at:

If you don't intend to go off-grid entirely, maybe because you use the internet for business like I do, there are a few other things you can do. The script-blocker I use is highly recommended, called “No Script,” and you can find it at It's a little frustrating at times, because sometimes webpages won't load and you'll see 30 different scripts trying to run—you won't know what to allow and what to deny. Another recommendation I have is a web-browser that does not track you, found at DuckDuckGo is not as powerful of a browser as Google of course, but honestly, I'm tired of Big Google watching, not to mention my concern about them as a company when considering the current lawsuits against them by employees for free speech violations and racial discrimination. Google scripts trying to run in places on the internet they don't belong (like the webpage for my online bank account) has set me on the path to minimizing my “digital footprint.”

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