Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Single Multiplayer Video Games (part 2)

From what I've been hearing, there is not a single-player campaign in the upcoming Star Wars Batthefront game. In the past, it has been a tradition for online, multiplayer-shooters to include single-player campaigns, and some developers have even linked the single-player portion with the online portion by awarding players with special items that can only be earned in the campaign. Yet, despite these incentives, data has shown that players rarely finish the campaigns and spend most of their time in online mode (they must not be paying any attention to my gaming habits!) Sony and Microsoft both have a rewards system with game trophies or achievements that reflect certain in-game accomplishments. These awards are intended not only for player bragging rights, but to serve as tracking mechanisms by which game companies can see just how much people are playing their game, and what they are achieving in it. Data for single-player campaign completion is miserably low, so it's hard to blame publishers like EA for deciding to leave the campaign out. Instead, they spend all their development time and money on multiplayer.

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