Friday, April 3, 2015

Is Dystopia All We Can Foresee? (part 5)

If a utopian science fiction story was to be successful, I think it would have to involve the struggles to produce such a society. It would involve the concept of equality and freedom for each individual, and the choice to pursue and achieve dreams by those working hard to achieve them. In dystopias, government is usually oppressive and controlling, but if a utopian story was written, it would probably involve a government that listens to its people and doesn't try to overstep by telling them what they can and can't buy, how much they can earn, what religion they can practice, and how they are to speak. Imagining a utopia like that might not seem too impossible to believe, especially since that was what the writers of the Constitution of The United States of America hoped we would have...and keep. Dystopia seems much more realistic to us now, though, especially since those who want to control us and deprive us of such things (because it threatens their power) are now telling us that those utopian qualities aren't good for us, after all. Maybe George Orwell was right about the future—he just got the year wrong!

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