Friday, March 20, 2015

Warnings from the Past (part 5)

The problem is that we're willingly giving up too much control of our lives. AI is on the fast-track to replacing many of our jobs and decisions. We are already handing over our decisions to the government and letting them decide things for us, including how we should eat (with regulations and propositions currently in the works to prevent us from buying anything that is deemed unhealthy), what kind of vehicles we are allowed to drive, and even what types of light bulbs we are allowed to use. The freedom of the internet stands in complete opposition to those that seek to influence and control—just watch as they try to sneak regulations past us under the guise of “fairness.” Do we really want to place our trust in others, or even in an AI, to decide things for us? Technology can be a great thing, but when our freedoms disappear in the name of “progress,” how many more of our freedoms are we going to willingly sacrifice, and what is the future we leave for our children?

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