Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Alien Contact (part 3)

After observing alien life on another planet to determine their technological capabilities, our military would make brief touchdowns in unpopulated, isolated areas on the alien planet. They would gather specimens of the alien plants, animals, and eventually, even the intelligent alien beings! Abductions would be performed, and these lifeforms would be studied off-world, possibly even taken back to Earth! It's not difficult to see a host of problems arising from this step. Alien lifeforms might affect human physiology negatively in various ways, possibly communicating deadly microbes or even affecting us in ways we have not yet conceived. There's also the problem of “kidnapping” these lifeforms, and especially how it would be perceived if we “borrowed” one of their sentient people. But remember, we would only do all this if we determined that our technological capabilities exceeded those of the aliens. So it's ok. Right?

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