Monday, March 30, 2015

Is Dystopia All We Can Foresee? (part 1)

Has science fiction always been dismal? When was the last time we can remember an uplifting utopia in sci-fi? Dystopia involves a society (usually in the future) where the conditions of life are extremely bad, whether from oppression, deprivation, or terror. Dystopias are all the rage now, but this wasn't always the case—the term “Utopia” was coined way back in 1516 with a book of the same name by Sir Thomas More. Yet when we think of science fiction, we almost always envision a dystopic society. Perhaps it is first portrayed as utopia, such as in the film, “The Island,” but we can almost depend on such stories having something nefarious underneath it all. Think about it for a moment. Consider this short list of popular sci-fi movies: The Hunger Games. Divergent. The Maze Runner. The Matrix. Demolition Man. Robocop. Blade Runner. Gattaca. I could go on, and on, and on, but can you name a sci-fi movie in the last 10, 15, or even 20 years that wasn't dystopic?

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