Thursday, March 19, 2015

Warnings from the Past (part 4)

John Brunner's 1975 novel, “The Shockwave Runner,” may be the first of the “cyberpunk” settings, though William Gibson's “Neuromancer” (1984) is more recognized for popularizing the genre. The cyberpunk sci-fi genre involves hackers that have rebelled against giant corporations that control, among other things, the information of the internet. Recently, it has become known that Google plans to rank websites based on factual content (and we're leaving it to them to determine truth?) Though this might seem like a convenience—it is already difficult to find exactly what you're looking for without sifting through unrelated websites—what standards will be used for determining truth? Will this affect searches regarding religion? What about political discussion, can the sorting of “truth” be done without any bias? This is a very slippery slope, and the freedom of information we have on the internet is in serious jeopardy. Already, certain governments in the world have strict control over what their citizens are allowed to access on the internet—are we to follow the same path? A responsibility here, a personal judgment there, our freedoms are being eroded away slowly by technology and those behind its implementation. 

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