Friday, March 27, 2015

The Lure of Discovery (part 5)

Imagine what you would have felt like if the first Star Wars movie (episode IV) kept introducing characters, but never came back to any of them? We'd meet the droids, princess Leia, Darth Vader, Luke, Ben Kenobi, Han Solo, etc. but if new characters were continually introduced and never developed, we'd be overwhelmed and eventually ask ourselves, “What is the point?” Yet, if the opposite happened and we were only introduced to Darth Vader and the entire series of 6 movies was focused entirely on him, it could get a little boring. The fact that the story shifts around among the different characters and we get to see them develop and grow—that's a large factor in keeping the story balanced, between familiar material and new material. If the characters stayed the same and never developed (for instance, if Luke was always a whiny teen or if Darth Vader remained an unwaveringly evil asthmatic) things would get predictable and uninteresting. We need balanced amounts of change, and discovering that a character can grow and develop makes for some great excitement and intrigue!

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