Perhaps the confusion over nanites
creating matter is that the microscopic robots can come together and
form larger conglomerations of themselves. Modular robots can
deliberately re-arrange their parts to adapt to changing
circumstances, to perform tasks they otherwise couldn't without
re-arranging, and even to recover from damage. Self-reconfiguring
robots are more adaptive and durable due to their reconfiguration
potential. A robot or group of robots can disassemble and then
reassemble to better address tasks. Due to their interchangeable
parts, these machines can also replace any broken parts, essentially
performing self-repair. Nanites, if designed with similar
capabilities, may be able to assemble themselves into a form of
architecture, such as a lattice or chain, it isn't a stretch to
imagine that these robots could serve as an active patch for damaged
human tissue, or potentially close a hole in the side of a spacecraft
or sea-faring vessel. Another application, called telepario,
claytronics, or programmable matter, involves groups of robots
building themselves into three dimensional shapes and adjusting to
mimic the movement of the copied source. For instance, modular
robotic replicas could mimic the shape of a person or object in real
time, and as the original source moved, the replicas would adjust and
mirror those movements. Movies like “Terminator 2” clearly
demonstrate the potential of a modular robot—something that can
sustain damage and self-repair quickly, as well as reform itself into
various objects. Though nanites can form shapes, they are not
creating matter, nor are they able to self-replicate. Yet.
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