Monday, August 25, 2014

Have nanites caused science-fiction to cross into fantasy? (part 1)

Nano-robotics is a current advancing technology where robots (nanites) are created at or close to the scale of a nanometer (10−9 meters.) These tiny robots are constructed of nanoscale or molecular components. Though this emerging technology is still in its infancy, expected applications of nanites include the identification and destruction of cancer cells in the human body, as well as the detection and measurement of toxic chemicals in the environment. Nanites have been a common theme in science fiction stories, appearing in TV Shows such as Doctor Who and Star Trek, as well as in movies like Vexille and Transcendence. Our imagination has propelled these tiny robots far beyond their current capabilities, and a common assumption is that they can actually create matter itself (despite the obvious contradiction with established laws of physics.) What laws should govern these microscopic robots in our stories in order for them to remain something of science fiction and not pure fantasy?

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