Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Have nanites caused science-fiction to cross into fantasy? (part 2)

There are many debates as to what actually constitutes a story as science fiction or fantasy. Though this is a large argument in itself, suffice it to say that fantasy usually involves a world governed by laws that are different those of our own world—often these laws are called “magic” in a fantasy world. Science fiction attempts to stay grounded in reality, projecting forward with what “might be” based on developing technologies and discoveries while staying within the physical laws of our universe. Sometimes, however, the two genres begin to blend. Though some would argue that the Star Wars movies are science fiction because of the starships and laser blasters, others would insist that it is fantasy, due mostly to the presence of “the force,” a psychic ability than manifests through mind control and telekinetic powers. While it is fairly obvious that “the force” could easily be considered magic, somehow the concept of tiny, micro-robots that create matter seems more realistic to us than Darth Vader's mastery of the force. Why is that?

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