Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What is it about JRPG’s? (part 2)

To understand the JRPG, we also need to consider the western RPG. The distinctions do sometimes cross over between the two genres, but it is safe to say that JRPG’s have a few elements they are known for. Turn-based combat as opposed to free-form, a straightforward, set storyline rather than a choice-driven open-ended story, a cast of characters traveling with you as opposed to one solo character, and often an established protagonist character rather than a “name and define yourself” character. Although the current trend in gaming seems to have moved heavily towards open-world free-form play, the JRPG has still survived, despite the impressive options game developers have managed to generate through their massive open world environments. Another trend over the years has been a movement away from fixed levels that must be repeated until solved, with many rogue-likes and other RPG’s opting for procedurally-generated levels that are different each time you play. With the freedom from repetition that is afforded by modern technology and programming developments, why has a genre like the JRPG still managed to survive, and surprisingly, even flourish?

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