Friday, July 19, 2019

The Cinematic Visual Novel (part 5)

Cinematography in a visual novel is not only used to create emotion and nuance, but to involve the viewer more actively in the story and keep their attention. Films have changed over the generations, and one very significant change is the amount of edits used in a scene. Old, black-and-white movies often approached filmmaking as if they were plays, where actors would sometimes deliver large amounts of dialogue for 5 to 10 minutes without a single cut to another angle. Modern filmmaking often cuts back and forth to different angles multiple times in a single minute. Perhaps our attention spans have become shorter over the last couple generations, but whatever the reason, we respond to movement and shorter amounts of information that is presented at a quicker pace. The visual novel is a very interesting medium for conveying a story, and I've been happily surprised by the artistic options that are available through this particular genre. I'm working hard to innovate and present you with a meaningful, fun, and exciting story through my visual novel design, so you can expect to see some elements of cinematography in The Star Legation!

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