Monday, July 1, 2019

A Faster Earth (part 4)

If the Earth rotated at a speed that matched its gravitational constant, it would be spinning at 17,000 mph, which is 17 times faster than its current speed. If it rotated any faster, we would see reverse rain at the equator, with water falling up into the sky. All of the water at the Earth's equator would be pooled in the atmosphere, and humans would have to migrate to the poles to find enough water to survive. If the Earth spun even faster still, the very shape of the Earth would eventually change, with the poles flattening and the center of the Earth bulging outward. This would also cause massive earthquakes as the tectonic plates shifted around. Life on Earth would likely come to an end. Did you know that the Earth's rotational speed is actually changing? Should we worry?

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