Thursday, August 16, 2018

The New Human (part 4)

If you are unfamiliar with the term “transhuman,” it is not referring to anything gender-related. Transhuman can refer to a human that has been integrated with technology—a cyborg. The current wikipedia definition of the term is as follows: “Transhumanism is an international intellectual movement that aims to transform the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology.” This can also include genetic improvements, not just technological, but currently, technological developments seem to be advancing much closer to commercial levels of human use than genetic enhancements. It seems logical, too—neuroprosthetics can enhance the brain to prevent Alzheimers and even increase intelligence. Mechanical replacements for body and organ parts are already widely in use. Everything is beginning to converge as we humans become the new canvas for technological improvement and integration. And why not—many would say—if it means healthier, smarter, longer-living bodies?

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