week, I'm going to be asking what you know about the Solar Echoes
universe. There will a prize for the winner: a Solar Echoes 3D
printed alien miniature (Strong and Flexible material) in the color
of your choice, which will be mailed to your doorstep from The way this will work is as follows: I'll ask a
question, and then you can send me a message with your answer, with
as much detail as you'd like to include. The correct (and best)
answer for the day will put your name on the list of finalists. If
you should have the best answer for multiple days in a row, you
increase your chances of winning by having your name included in the
final draw that many times.
here is Monday's question:
alien race claims to have created the deadly extra-dimensional tear
in space known as the Voidsea, and why?
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