know you're at a science-fiction convention when you walk up to the
hotel and see a Cylon Raider sitting out front! I love these sci-fi
cons, and someday I'd like to experience all the events they have to
offer. But, back to our program: Our first Solar Echoes team finally
decided to hire some Krissethi NPC hunters as guides into the forests
of Sa'mesh, because they learned something about the coordinates they
had for the location of the mysterious starship—the area was the
hunting ground of an alien lifeform called a Green Jegu. If the
rumors were correct, this giant reptilian creature was going to be
far more than they could handle. Half of the group was convinced they
could kill it, while the others—those that had done a little
research and talked to a few locals—they believed their weapons
would do little more than irritate the creature. The team ventured
into the forest and fought off a variety of local denizens, including
the spiny, whiptailed “Snapwhippers” and the blood-sucking,
poisonous Mokaru. A few of them also encountered an adorable, furry
little creature waddling around, and one of the characters failed her
Discern Motive check against it, becoming convinced that it was
someone's lost pet. She role-played the situation well and, long
story short, let's just say that the fact that she had to leave the
game for another convention event reflected why her character was no
longer with the team. Note to all interstellar explorers: avoid cute
fuzzy creatures on Sa'mesh!
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