Monday, February 2, 2015

Multi-player in Games (part 1)

Cooperative multiplayer is a big issue in the industry these days, especially with video games. How does it relate to Solar Echoes, though? Table-top RPG's are, by nature, supposed to be cooperative games, but are they truly? Even though friends sit around a table to play, when was the last time you felt that everyone was working as a team? I played RPG's at the table for years with a variety of gaming groups, but seldom remember instances where the other players and I actively coordinated together—most everyone did his/her own thing.

The problem, I believe, is that most games are built upon the individual player feeling like a hero, so the result is that each player is competing against his friends to be the most heroic—this determination is usually ascribed to the one who dealt the most damage to a foe. Multiplayer video games usually aren't any different. While online video gaming often feels well-suited to competition, is the tabletop experience threatened by the same perspective? Maybe it's just me, but when I get together with friends on the weekend after a hard work-week, I really don't feel a very competitive mood. For me, fun is working as a team to accomplish game goals, feeling that my contribution is relied-upon for the group's survival. If each player could feel that way, wouldn't it be a better game experience for everyone?

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