A final consideration for mission
design involves player rewards. If players have put themselves at
risk and worked hard to achieve mission goals, they need to know how
well they did. At the end of every mission, I review all the
challenges and decide if any of them are significant enough to
deserve an experience (XP) point. Usually, an average mission will
yield 10 to 15 XP. In Solar Echoes, characters level up every 20 XP,
so these points aren't given out for every single thing that is done.
We usually don't award XP for killing anything, unless the mission
was an assassination mission. XP rewards are sometimes in the
negative, too. For instance, if the players' characters didn't bother
to question an important non-player character (NPC) and just killed
him outright, then they will earn -1 or -2 XP points! In other
situations, if players managed to avoid a fight with a dangerous foe
and bypassed or defeated him in another way, there might be an extra
XP point or two awarded for their creative approach. Another
important consideration with player rewards is loot—players should
find interesting items, weapons, and armor during the course of the
mission. Also, at the end of the mission, players should be awarded
with several thousand credits for doing their job. The UG typically
awards 2,000 to 5,000 credits per mission at beginning character
levels. I want the players to be excited about the things they find
during a mission, and to have enough money to start making long-term
plans for their characters—buying better equipment, cyberware
prosthetics, or even their very own starship!
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