Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mission Recap (part 3)

We left off yesterday with the characters, Kray and Kashyr, confused about how to meet the smuggler contact, since the smuggler captain had lied to them about the secret conversational exchange they needed to have with the bartender at the Star Wrangler Bar. They left the bar and called up the crew on the UG ship that was flying the captured smuggler captain back to UG headquarters. The smuggler captain was smug, but finally gave them another set of exchanges to say to the bartender.

The second attempt was met with confusion by the bartender again, so the characters angrily stepped out of the bar and called their crew back. This time (after yelling at the indignant smuggler), they asked their crew to look at the smuggler's MPC (micro-personal computer). After a little hacking, they managed to access the smuggler's emails. There was the answer--the exact exchange that needed to be spoken with the bartender. With the new information, the characters went back to the bartender to try a third time...

The exchange worked, and the bartender finally pointed them to a Krissethi sitting in the back of the bar. At this point, the Krissethi was a little suspicious, considering how many attempts the characters made, but he still conducted his business with them. They made an arrangement to meet at a dock later to transfer the cargo to the Krissethi. With a little free time, the characters checked out the shops on the Starport, and even met with a black-market salesman, though they decided not to buy any of the mysterious items he was selling for fear of being ripped off. Plus, it was almost time to meet the Krissethi smuggler at the dock...

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