Monday, October 13, 2014

Mission Recap (part 1)

I have a few snapshots of a recent Solar Echoes game, where we ran the “Egg Drop” Mission for the players. The goal was to stop a criminal operation that involved smuggling the insectoid Chiraktis eggs into various colonies, where the Chiraktis could establish a strong foothold and influence colony governments by increasing the Chiraktis population. Find out more...

The first part of the mission involved the player's characters intercepting the smuggling ship that had recently left Chiraktis space. The characters had to conceal their identities and avoid revealing that they were Union Guard agents, or the smugglers might have sent a transmission ahead to warn their contacts that the UG was on to them. 

The players managed to convince the smugglers to allow them to board their ship, indicating that they were an emergency maintenance crew that had been dispatched to contact the smugglers. The characters succeeded at their persuasion check, and the smugglers allowed the characters to board their ship to “fix” a problem that had supposedly been detected when the smugglers passed the last starship checkpoint, though the smugglers were still a little suspicious and the characters were told, at gunpoint, to leave behind any weapons they had.

The characters had to make sure that the smugglers couldn't transmit a warning, so they continued their ruse and logged in to the smugglers' communications array, explaining that they had to run a diagnostics test. The smugglers waited patiently for the characters to "fix" the problem, but the characters proceeded to hack the array while in cyberspace, shutting down security nodes so they could take control of the system. Once they had crippled communications on the smugglers' starship, they were ready to move to the next phase of their plan...

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