Monday, February 4, 2019

Optional Gameplay? (Part 1)

I've been wondering recently if visual novel players prefer not to have any mini-games at all because it breaks the reading immersion, or if it really just depends on the mini-game. I've noticed that in some VN games, the mini-games exist but there's also an option to skip and continue with the story. Skipping the mini-game results in an auto-win, so in a way, this invalidates the mini-game itself: why bother with it if I can just push a button and bypass it altogether without repercussion? For me, if I bought a fighting game with all the characters and bonuses already unlocked, I'd have far less incentive to play. If I bought an RPG with the main character already at max level with the best equipment, I'd be far less interested in the combat system if I knew I'd win easily every time. I think removing a challenge can invalidate an experience. What about you?

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