Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Solar Echoes Visual Novel? (part 3/6)

After having a better idea of what I might be capable of, I decided to look for development software. I browsed the internet a little and quickly found some recommendations. Some software out there required coding ability in Python, and though I have experience writing scripts in C++, I'm not confident that I can efficiently achieve what I'd like, especially since Python is a scripting language I'm less familiar with. I'd much rather spend my time focusing on the writing and art direction/ development. So, I read reviews and tutorials to see if the different software would do what I was envisioning, and then I downloaded one that fit. I spent all Saturday going through the tutorial and played around with it myself, using some of my own digital art to experiment. In a couple hours, I was able to write a short scenario that presented two choices, which lead to two different story paths. I changed scenes with different background art, added and removed different characters, moved the character art a little, and added in some sound effects. Thankfully my audio program supported the odd format that was required by the visual novel program. My video program does not support it, though, and even after downloading a convertor for the proper format, I'm still having video troubles. More to learn!

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