Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Solar Echoes Visual Novel? (part 2/6)

The first step to discovering whether making a visual novel is something I could do or not was to spend some time on Saturday watching a few YouTube videos of people playing visual novels. I also downloaded a few demos onto my PSVita (my favorite little gaming console—it's portable, and has tons of games available in my favorite genre: RPG.) After watching and playing through a variety of visual novels, I understand better what my capabilities are for making one. I cannot achieve what big game studios like Aksys Games have been able to accomplish—they have amazing animation sequences, actively animated anime throughout, amazing musical scores and voice acting, and overall very high production values. It's no wonder that their visual novels are typically priced around $30 or $40 each! Zero Escape, Xblaze, 7'Scarlet, Collar X Malice, and more are just a few of the big name visual novels Aksys has developed. However, I didn't lose hope, because other popular visual novels like the twisted, controversial Doki Doki Literature Club have been immensely popular and have a much simpler, traditional approach to visual novels: minimal animation, static character art and backgrounds, lots of text, and great character development.

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