Friday, May 2, 2014

What have we learned from sci-fi? (part 5)

In science fiction, there are plenty examples of humans enhancing themselves with technology. It isn't a far stretch of the imagination, considering that people are already using robotic arms, legs, and hand prostheses, as well as cochlear implants. We are getting used to the idea, but how far will we go? Will soldiers and athletes eventually seek such enhancements for increased physical performance? Will genetic enhancements become more accepted and possibly become common among those who can afford them? And what of eugenics? It might start with eliminating detrimental genetic factors for health issues, but it is likely to expand from there. Sci-fi movies like Gataca and X-men have shown us that physical variations or enhancements will likely divide us as a people even more, with factions, prejudices, and social stratification as probable outcomes.

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