Friday, April 25, 2014

What concepts from science fiction are becoming reality? (part 5)

A few other concepts-become-reality: Minority Report's face scanner is now common tech on smartphones and tablet computers. Biometric scans are commonplace today--fingerprint scanners and face recognition technology can be found from the Apple i-phone to Sony's PS4. Most of us are familiar with the “replicators” in the Star Trek series—devices that could generate items out of thin air. Yet today, this isn't as far from reality as we might think, considering the 3D-printing revolution. Just buy the plans for an object online, and your personal 3D-printer can produce the item for you in minutes. Would you like to send a copy of your child's clay sculpture to her grandparents that live on the other side of the country? Just place the object on a scanner, scan, and send the data to their 3D printer. They'll have a physical copy in just minutes. Even houses are being built by 3D printers, and complex objects, like firearms, can also be printed as parts to be assembled. Just imagine what the pirating problem will be like in the future when everyone has one of these!

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