Monday, April 21, 2014

What concepts from science fiction are becoming reality? (part 1)

One of the main reasons I love reading and writing sci-fi is because, in most cases, it is tied to reality and foretells a plausible future. Many ideas from sci-fi works have already become reality—in 1865, Jules Verne's novel, “From the Earth to the Moon,” tells the story of three people being launched by a “space gun” to arrive on the moon. For his time, Verne's vision was quite impressive, and even his actual calculations weren't far off from reality. In 1990, Paul Verhoven's film, “Total Recall,” featured robotaxis, but today, fully automated taxis exist in Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates, and Google is working hard on developing self-driving cars. Science fiction is often an exciting view at what is to come, and I know that when I write (for Solar Echoes or for other sci-fi works,) I often spend a lot of time researching what is being developed and what might become reality.

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