Thursday, August 22, 2019

No Man’s Sky VR (part 4)

For those of you that have played No Man’s Sky before or have read about it, most of what I’ve detailed so far is nothing new. However, just to begin with, playing this in VR is so much more engrossing, especially when using the two Move controllers. I enjoyed hopping into the cockpit of my tiny spacecraft and seeing all the controls in front of me while shutting the harsh planet outside, watching the acid rain fall around me with a heavy pattering sound. When the rains ended, I literally reached over to the handle of the canopy and lifted it up. I could get my multitool out by reaching back behind my right shoulder to grab it. Once upgraded a little more, I could even use the terrain laser of my multitool to carve out a spherical chunk of earth in mere seconds. This actually became quite fun, because I could tunnel my way through the ground and go anywhere I wanted, popping up like a gopher from my tunnel when it was safe to emerge again after the rains had stopped. I finally gathered the materials and constructed the components necessary to fix my ship’s engines, so I hopped in and reached my left hand over to grip the throttle. I pulled and….woah! My stomach dropped as the planet fell away beneath me. I grabbed the right hand stick with my other hand and rotated the ship around, failing at first to adjust to the extreme sensitivity, though I thankfully got the hang of it quickly enough to avoid crashing. If you've played other space-flight simulators in VR, this isn't much different, but that's a good thing, because it's a truly amazing experience!

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